11 Secteurs of jaw rattling opportunity

The last time the tour properly traversed the cobbles in 2014 it was a rainy day that turned the race on its head. Nibali used his Astana team to animate the race and put the other GC riders under pressure.
The day was won by the Cyclocross legend, Lars Boom.

Much to be gained, plenty to be lost.

Nibali went on to win that edition of the Tour after gaining time on the cobbles. 

This year the weather seems far kinder however there are four Paris-Roubaix winners starting today. John Degenkolb, Peter Sagan, Philippe Gilbert and Dylan Van Baarle. Van Baarle will most likely have to put his ambitions of a double cobble win for the year aside as he supports Geraint and co. over the cobbles. Sagan, Degenkolb and Gilbert however will be eyeing today as one to add to their palmares. 

Today seems impossible to call but I feel Mathieu Van Der Poel has to come good at some point. That said, betting against another win from in-form Wout Van Aert seems folly. 

Most of the GC riders have recced the route during the spring and will be looking to avoid shelling time more than making Nibali-like gains on their competitors. I expect smaller GC riders such as Yates and Bardet to struggle today with Tadej, Geraint and Primoz securing their top ten places as they all have some classics pedigree. 

We expect the race to be torn apart with about 50km to go but who knows.

Our top picks:
Matheiu Van Der Poel 
Wout Van Aert 

Outside Picks:
Mads Pedersen 
Peter Sagan 
Tom Pidcock 

Our Winner: 
Matheiu Van Der Poel